Now that we have the means to bring a picture to the screen, let us take care of drawing text. Turning strings into correct shapes is a nontrivial task and we will assume that some other library has already done this.
Let us assume that for every letter we know the position where to draw it, the size (width and height in pixels) and have an array telling us which pixels belong to the letter. (Like “3x3, [1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1]” as a very crude approximation of an “o”. Except that we will not use 0-1, but 0-255 so as to cope with pixels partially being part of the letter.) We can also give the text (each letter) a colour.
That makes a small difference in the textures we use (different, smaller colour format), and, of course, in the shaders. However, the drawing itself should be close to that of the last two chapters. (Let me note that there are other ways of dealing with text, especially if some of the preparatory steps are also transferred to the GPU, but for now I’d like to stick with the easiest one. — I might revisit the topic in a later chapter, if I ever get to it.)
What will we need in the shaders?
In contrast to the general (and possibly complex) models we targeted earlier, all “instances” would only consist of four vertices and instanced or
indexed rendering will not come with a large performance win (possibly even a performance loss, due to overhead). Not that this plays a major role,
but I feel that text is sufficiently special to not be part of our previous Model
Let us first invent a suitable texture struct (as the first lines to enter a new
pub struct TextTexture {
vk_image: vk::Image,
pub imageview: vk::ImageView,
pub sampler: vk::Sampler,
allocation: vk_mem::Allocation,
allocation_info: vk_mem::AllocationInfo,
This time, I’m not including an RgbaImage
. Creating these textures (from a slice of u8
s and their width and height in pixels) then works as
follows (and the differences to previous texture creation should be small: data
are passed in and not taken from the image):
impl TextTexture {
pub fn from_u8s(
data: &[u8],
width: u32,
height: u32,
device: &ash::Device,
allocator: &vk_mem::Allocator,
commandpool_graphics: &vk::CommandPool,
graphics_queue: &vk::Queue,
) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let img_create_info = vk::ImageCreateInfo::builder()
.extent(vk::Extent3D {
depth: 1,
.usage(vk::ImageUsageFlags::TRANSFER_DST | vk::ImageUsageFlags::SAMPLED);
let alloc_create_info = vk_mem::AllocationCreateInfo {
usage: vk_mem::MemoryUsage::GpuOnly,
let (vk_image, allocation, allocation_info) = allocator
.create_image(&img_create_info, &alloc_create_info)
.expect("creating vkImage for texture");
let view_create_info = vk::ImageViewCreateInfo::builder()
.subresource_range(vk::ImageSubresourceRange {
aspect_mask: vk::ImageAspectFlags::COLOR,
level_count: 1,
layer_count: 1,
let imageview = unsafe { device.create_image_view(&view_create_info, None) }
.expect("image view creation");
let sampler_info = vk::SamplerCreateInfo::builder()
let sampler =
unsafe { device.create_sampler(&sampler_info, None) }.expect("sampler creation");
let mut buffer = Buffer::new(
data.len() as u64,
buffer.fill(allocator, &data);
let commandbuf_allocate_info = vk::CommandBufferAllocateInfo::builder()
let copycmdbuffer =
unsafe { device.allocate_command_buffers(&commandbuf_allocate_info) }.unwrap()[0];
let cmdbegininfo = vk::CommandBufferBeginInfo::builder()
unsafe { device.begin_command_buffer(copycmdbuffer, &cmdbegininfo) }?;
let barrier = vk::ImageMemoryBarrier::builder()
.subresource_range(vk::ImageSubresourceRange {
aspect_mask: vk::ImageAspectFlags::COLOR,
base_mip_level: 0,
level_count: 1,
base_array_layer: 0,
layer_count: 1,
unsafe {
let image_subresource = vk::ImageSubresourceLayers {
aspect_mask: vk::ImageAspectFlags::COLOR,
mip_level: 0,
base_array_layer: 0,
layer_count: 1,
let region = vk::BufferImageCopy {
buffer_offset: 0,
buffer_row_length: 0,
buffer_image_height: 0,
image_offset: vk::Offset3D { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
image_extent: vk::Extent3D {
depth: 1,
unsafe {
let barrier = vk::ImageMemoryBarrier::builder()
.subresource_range(vk::ImageSubresourceRange {
aspect_mask: vk::ImageAspectFlags::COLOR,
base_mip_level: 0,
level_count: 1,
base_array_layer: 0,
layer_count: 1,
unsafe {
unsafe { device.end_command_buffer(copycmdbuffer) }?;
let submit_infos = [vk::SubmitInfo::builder()
let fence = unsafe { device.create_fence(&vk::FenceCreateInfo::default(), None) }?;
unsafe { device.queue_submit(*graphics_queue, &submit_infos, fence) }?;
unsafe { device.wait_for_fences(&[fence], true, std::u64::MAX) }?;
unsafe { device.destroy_fence(fence, None) };
allocator.destroy_buffer(buffer.buffer, &buffer.allocation)?;
unsafe { device.free_command_buffers(*commandpool_graphics, &[copycmdbuffer]) };
Ok(Texture {
For drawing let’s use the following shaders:
As vertex shader shaders/text.vert
#version 450
layout (location=0) in vec3 in_position;
layout (location=1) in vec2 in_texcoord;
layout (location=2) in vec3 in_colour;
layout (location=3) in uint in_texture_id;
layout (location=0) out vec2 out_texcoord;
layout (location=1) out vec3 out_colour;
layout (location=2) out uint out_texture_id;
void main() {
and as shaders/text.frag
#version 450
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : require
layout (location=0) out vec4 theColour;
layout (location=0) in vec2 texcoord;
layout (location=1) in vec3 colour;
layout (location=2) flat in uint texture_id;
layout(set=0,binding=0) uniform sampler2D lettertextures[];
void main(){
These are fairly minimal and by now probably require no explanation.
Of course, we need some pipeline which consists of these shaders:
pub fn init_text(
logical_device: &ash::Device,
swapchain: &SwapchainDongXi,
renderpass: &vk::RenderPass,
) -> Result<Pipeline, vk::Result> {
let vertexshader_createinfo = vk::ShaderModuleCreateInfo::builder().code(
vk_shader_macros::include_glsl!("./shaders/text.vert", kind: vert),
let vertexshader_module =
unsafe { logical_device.create_shader_module(&vertexshader_createinfo, None)? };
let fragmentshader_createinfo = vk::ShaderModuleCreateInfo::builder()
let fragmentshader_module =
unsafe { logical_device.create_shader_module(&fragmentshader_createinfo, None)? };
let mainfunctionname = std::ffi::CString::new("main").unwrap();
let vertexshader_stage = vk::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo::builder()
let fragmentshader_stage = vk::PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo::builder()
let shader_stages = vec![,];
let vertex_attrib_descs = [
vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription {
binding: 0,
location: 0,
offset: 0,
format: vk::Format::R32G32B32_SFLOAT,
vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription {
binding: 0,
location: 1,
offset: 12,
format: vk::Format::R32G32_SFLOAT,
vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription {
binding: 0,
location: 2,
offset: 20,
format: vk::Format::R32G32B32_SFLOAT,
vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription {
binding: 0,
location: 3,
offset: 32,
format: vk::Format::R8G8B8A8_UINT,
let vertex_binding_descs = [vk::VertexInputBindingDescription {
binding: 0,
stride: 36,
input_rate: vk::VertexInputRate::VERTEX,
let vertex_input_info = vk::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo::builder()
let input_assembly_info = vk::PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo::builder()
let viewports = [vk::Viewport {
x: 0.,
y: 0.,
width: swapchain.extent.width as f32,
height: swapchain.extent.height as f32,
min_depth: 0.,
max_depth: 1.,
let scissors = [vk::Rect2D {
offset: vk::Offset2D { x: 0, y: 0 },
extent: swapchain.extent,
let viewport_info = vk::PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::builder()
let rasterizer_info = vk::PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo::builder()
let multisampler_info = vk::PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo::builder()
let depth_stencil_info = vk::PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo::builder()
let colourblend_attachments = [vk::PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState::builder()
| vk::ColorComponentFlags::G
| vk::ColorComponentFlags::B
| vk::ColorComponentFlags::A,
let colourblend_info =
let descriptorset_layout_binding_descs = [vk::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding::builder()
let descriptor_binding_flags = [vk::DescriptorBindingFlags::VARIABLE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT];
let mut descriptorset_layout_binding_flags =
let descriptorset_layout_info = vk::DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo::builder()
.push_next(&mut descriptorset_layout_binding_flags);
let descriptorsetlayout = unsafe {
logical_device.create_descriptor_set_layout(&descriptorset_layout_info, None)
let desclayouts = vec![descriptorsetlayout];
let pipelinelayout_info = vk::PipelineLayoutCreateInfo::builder().set_layouts(&desclayouts);
let pipelinelayout =
unsafe { logical_device.create_pipeline_layout(&pipelinelayout_info, None) }?;
let pipeline_info = vk::GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo::builder()
let graphicspipeline = unsafe {
.expect("A problem with the pipeline creation")
unsafe {
logical_device.destroy_shader_module(fragmentshader_module, None);
logical_device.destroy_shader_module(vertexshader_module, None);
Ok(Pipeline {
pipeline: graphicspipeline,
layout: pipelinelayout,
descriptor_set_layouts: desclayouts,
Now where should we get our letters from? We could hardcode the shapes of every ASCII character, for example, or just use one large texture that
already has every letter on it. That’s feasible for alphabet languages and as long as we only want to use a small number of different fonts (and maybe
sizes). Or we could use a different crate that loads a font file and upon being given a string and a text size tells us where to place the letters and
how they look. I want to employ fontdue
; let’s enlarge Cargo.toml
fontdue = "0.2.4"
and we can begin creating a struct that takes care of everything text-related:
pub struct AllText {
fonts: Vec<fontdue::Font>,
There will be more fields, don’t worry. But first let’s make it possible to load a font:
pub fn load_font<P: AsRef<std::path::Path>>(
&mut self,
path: P,
) -> Result<usize, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let fontdata = std::fs::read(path)?;
let font = fontdue::Font::from_bytes(fontdata, fontdue::FontSettings::default())?;
Ok(self.fonts.len() - 1)
We have a font, we can prepare letters. Maybe in this way:
pub struct Letter {
colour: [f32; 3],
position_and_shape: fontdue::layout::GlyphPosition,
As you see, I want to give them a colour; in position_and_shape
we store all other important information (as already intended by fontdue), in
particular position and shape, of course.
We will create letters in the following way. (Here, text
is an AllText
struct that becomes a member of our Aetna
.) The TextStyle
contains a
String, text size, and the index of the font to use (and the latter is the reason why create_letters
becomes a method of AllText
); the second
argument of create_letters
is the colour:
let letters = aetna.text.create_letters(
&fontdue::layout::TextStyle::new("Hello ", 35.0, 0),
&fontdue::layout::TextStyle::new("world!", 40.0, 0),
[0., 1., 0.],
The function looks as follows. The best description is probably: Let fontdue take care of the work.
pub fn create_letters(
styles: &[&fontdue::layout::TextStyle],
colour: [f32; 3],
) -> Vec<Letter> {
let mut layout = fontdue::layout::Layout::new();
let mut output = Vec::new();
let settings = fontdue::layout::LayoutSettings {
layout.layout_horizontal(&self.fonts, styles, &settings, &mut output);
let mut letters: Vec<Letter> = vec![];
for glyph in output {
letters.push(Letter {
position_and_shape: glyph,
Okay, with that we have letters. We have to turn them into something that we can display. In the end, that means, we must produce textures (we have prepared the function for that) and a vertex buffer.
Let us enhance the AllText
struct. In addition to the fonts, we put in the textures. If a letter appears twice (in the same size and font), we’ll,
however, not create a second texture, but reuse one. For this purpose, we include a HashMap
translating GlyphRasterConfig
(i.e. character, scale, font) to the corresponding texture.
We also include vertex data (to be created from letters) and a vertexbuffer, as well as the pipeline and descriptors:
pub struct AllText {
vertexdata: Vec<TextVertexData>,
vertexbuffer: Option<Buffer>,
textures: Vec<TextTexture>,
texture_ids: HashMap<fontdue::layout::GlyphRasterConfig, u32>,
fonts: Vec<fontdue::Font>,
pipeline: Option<Pipeline>,
desc_pool: Option<vk::DescriptorPool>,
descriptorsets: Vec<vk::DescriptorSet>,
As to the vertex format:
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct TextVertexData {
pub position: [f32; 3],
pub texcoord: [f32; 2],
pub colour: [f32; 3],
pub texture_id: u32,
Translating letters to vertex positions happens in this function:
pub fn create_vertexdata(
&mut self,
letters: Vec<Letter>,
position: (u32, u32), //in pixels
window: &winit::window::Window,
device: &ash::Device,
allocator: &vk_mem::Allocator,
commandpool_graphics: &vk::CommandPool,
graphics_queue: &vk::Queue,
swapchain: &SwapchainDongXi,
) {
let screensize = window.inner_size();
let mut need_texture_update = false;
let mut vertexdata = Vec::with_capacity(6 * letters.len());
for l in letters {
let id_option = self.texture_ids.get(&l.position_and_shape.key);
let id;
if id_option.is_none() {
let (metrics, bitmap) = self.fonts[l.position_and_shape.key.font_index]
.rasterize(l.position_and_shape.key.c, l.position_and_shape.key.px);
need_texture_update = true;
id = self
metrics.width as u32,
metrics.height as u32,
.unwrap() as u32;
self.texture_ids.insert(l.position_and_shape.key, id);
} else {
id = *id_option.unwrap() as u32;
let left =
2. * (l.position_and_shape.x + position.0 as f32) / screensize.width as f32 - 1.0;
let right = 2.
* (l.position_and_shape.x + position.0 as f32 + l.position_and_shape.width as f32)
/ screensize.width as f32
- 1.0;
let top = 2.
* (-l.position_and_shape.y + position.1 as f32
- l.position_and_shape.height as f32)
/ screensize.height as f32
- 1.0;
let bottom =
2. * (-l.position_and_shape.y + position.1 as f32) / screensize.height as f32 - 1.0;
let v1 = TextVertexData {
position: [left, top, 0.],
texcoord: [0., 0.],
colour: l.colour,
texture_id: id,
let v2 = TextVertexData {
position: [left, bottom, 0.],
texcoord: [0., 1.],
colour: l.colour,
texture_id: id,
let v3 = TextVertexData {
position: [right, top, 0.],
texcoord: [1., 0.],
colour: l.colour,
texture_id: id,
let v4 = TextVertexData {
position: [right, bottom, 0.],
texcoord: [1., 1.],
colour: l.colour,
texture_id: id,
self.vertexdata.append(&mut vertexdata);
if need_texture_update {
self.update_textures(swapchain, device);
If the letter already has some texture, we only compute the vertex positions from given coordinates and the info obtained from fontdue. If the letter is new, we create a new texture
pub fn new_texture_from_u8s(
&mut self,
data: &[u8],
width: u32,
height: u32,
device: &ash::Device,
allocator: &vk_mem::Allocator,
commandpool_graphics: &vk::CommandPool,
graphics_queue: &vk::Queue,
) -> Result<usize, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let new_texture = TextTexture::from_u8s(
let new_id = self.textures.len();
(which boils down to passing all arguments through to the first function in this chapter) and at the end update the textures:
pub fn update_textures(
&mut self,
swapchain: &SwapchainDongXi,
device: &ash::Device,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let amount = self.textures.len() as u32;
if let Some(pool) = self.desc_pool {
unsafe {
device.destroy_descriptor_pool(pool, None);
let pool_sizes = [vk::DescriptorPoolSize {
ty: vk::DescriptorType::COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER,
descriptor_count: crate::renderpass_and_pipeline::MAXIMAL_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURES
* swapchain.amount_of_images,
let descriptor_pool_info = vk::DescriptorPoolCreateInfo::builder()
let descriptor_pool =
unsafe { device.create_descriptor_pool(&descriptor_pool_info, None) }?;
self.desc_pool = Some(descriptor_pool);
let desc_layouts_text = vec![
swapchain.amount_of_images as usize
let descriptor_set_allocate_info_text = vk::DescriptorSetAllocateInfo::builder()
let descriptor_sets_text =
unsafe { device.allocate_descriptor_sets(&descriptor_set_allocate_info_text) }?;
for i in 0..swapchain.amount_of_images {
let imageinfos: Vec<vk::DescriptorImageInfo> = self
.map(|t| vk::DescriptorImageInfo {
image_layout: vk::ImageLayout::SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL,
image_view: t.imageview,
sampler: t.sampler,
let descriptorwrite_image = vk::WriteDescriptorSet::builder()
.dst_set(descriptor_sets_text[i as usize])
unsafe {
device.update_descriptor_sets(&[descriptorwrite_image], &[]);
self.descriptorsets = descriptor_sets_text;
The function create_vertexdata
only created some TextVertexData
, we still have to turn that into a usable buffer:
pub fn update_vertexbuffer(
&mut self,
allocator: &vk_mem::Allocator,
) -> Result<(), vk_mem::error::Error> {
if self.vertexdata.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
if let Some(buffer) = &mut self.vertexbuffer {
buffer.fill(allocator, &self.vertexdata)?;
} else {
let bytes = (self.vertexdata.len() * std::mem::size_of::<TextVertexData>()) as u64;
let mut buffer = Buffer::new(
buffer.fill(allocator, &self.vertexdata)?;
self.vertexbuffer = Some(buffer);
And, by the way, we should have a way to create an AllText
. At that time, we already decide on a stardard font:
pub fn new<P: AsRef<std::path::Path>>(
device: &ash::Device,
swapchain: &SwapchainDongXi,
renderpass: &vk::RenderPass,
standardfont: P,
) -> Result<AllText, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let pip = Pipeline::init_text(device, swapchain, renderpass)?;
let mut all_text = AllText {
vertexdata: vec![],
vertexbuffer: None,
textures: vec![],
texture_ids: HashMap::new(),
fonts: vec![],
pipeline: Some(pip),
desc_pool: None,
descriptorsets: vec![],
and cleanup:
pub fn cleanup(&mut self, device: &ash::Device, allocator: &vk_mem::Allocator) {
let p = self.pipeline.take();
if let Some(pip) = p {
let p = self.desc_pool.take();
if let Some(pool) = p {
unsafe {
device.destroy_descriptor_pool(pool, None);
let b = self.vertexbuffer.take();
if let Some(buf) = b {
unsafe { allocator.destroy_buffer(buf.buffer, &buf.allocation) };
for texture in &self.textures {
unsafe {
device.destroy_sampler(texture.sampler, None);
device.destroy_image_view(texture.imageview, None);
allocator.destroy_image(texture.vk_image, &texture.allocation);
One part is — obviously — still missing: We should also draw the text at some time. Let’s prepare the method for that:
Setting pipeline, descriptor set and vertexbuffer and then drawing. (By the way, index
refers to the image index that we get during the
branch of the main event loop.)
pub fn draw(
logical_device: &ash::Device,
commandbuffer: vk::CommandBuffer,
index: usize,
) {
if let Some(pipeline) = &self.pipeline {
if self.descriptorsets.len() > index {
unsafe {
if let Some(vertexbuffer) = &self.vertexbuffer {
unsafe {
self.vertexdata.len() as u32,
1, //instance count
In aetna::update_commandbuffer
we include one line (the one about self.text.draw
for m in &self.models {
m.draw(&self.device, commandbuffer);
self.text.draw(&self.device, commandbuffer, index);
And aetna
gets a new field text
(as mentioned before), which we initialize by
let text = AllText::new(
(or with any other font of your choice). Also Aetna::drop
receives a new line:
self.text.cleanup(&self.device, &self.allocator);
Somewhere near the beginning of main()
(after creating aetna
, of course):
let letters = aetna.text.create_letters(
&fontdue::layout::TextStyle::new("Hello ", 35.0, 0),
&fontdue::layout::TextStyle::new("world!", 40.0, 0),
&fontdue::layout::TextStyle::new("(and smaller)", 8.0, 0),
[0., 1., 0.],
(100, 200),
let letters2 = aetna.text.create_letters(
&fontdue::layout::TextStyle::new("Hello ", 35.0, 0),
&fontdue::layout::TextStyle::new("world!", 40.0, 0),
&fontdue::layout::TextStyle::new("(and smaller)", 8.0, 0),
[0.6, 0.6, 0.6],
(100, 400),
It works. And it looks okay. The trick there is that I’m using rather large text sizes. With the 8 point string, it’s a bit less clear. Probably the approach “single texture per letter” does not work well enough (or maybe it gets better if we revisit the translation from pixels to Vulkan’s coordinates (adding half a pixel somewhere to counter rounding errors?)).
The Descriptor Pools contain (the maximal number of textures) many descriptor sets. See update_textures
let pool_sizes = [vk::DescriptorPoolSize {
ty: vk::DescriptorType::COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER,
descriptor_count: crate::renderpass_and_pipeline::MAXIMAL_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURES
* swapchain.amount_of_images,
This had to be the case, because the number depends on what we decided during pipeline creation. If we use amount
in place of
, the validation layers complain.
We could instead start with lower numbers and recreate the pipeline whenever we surpass the current pool size. That means recreating the pipeline (which is an operation that is said to be expensive. But how often will we need a letter that we have never used before?
We give AllText
a new field:
texture_amount: usize,
which we initialize to 0
. And, speaking of initialization: We can set pipeline
to None
there. (Then new
will need only (self
and) the standard font as argument.)
is where creating a pipeline will happen now (at least sometimes):
pub fn update_textures(
&mut self,
swapchain: &SwapchainDongXi,
device: &ash::Device,
renderpass: &vk::RenderPass,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let amount = self.textures.len();
if amount > self.texture_amount {
self.texture_amount = amount;
let p = self.pipeline.take();
if let Some(pip) = p {
if self.pipeline.is_none() {
let pip = Pipeline::init_text(device, swapchain, renderpass, amount as u32)?;
self.pipeline = Some(pip);
if let Some(pool) = self.desc_pool {
unsafe {
device.destroy_descriptor_pool(pool, None);
let pool_sizes = [vk::DescriptorPoolSize {
ty: vk::DescriptorType::COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER,
descriptor_count: amount as u32 * swapchain.amount_of_images,
Note the descriptor count in the last line. More notes: The function needs renderpass
as additional argument (which requires us to make the field renderpass
of aetna
a pub
field. The
function gets the number of textures as argument. Change in the function body:
let descriptorset_layout_binding_descs = [vk::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding::builder()
.descriptor_count(amount_of_textures) //MAXIMAL_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURES)
Okay. (No idea if that has a big effect on performance. But it feels better.)
The program spits out a lot of validation errors if we resize the window.
To take care of that, in aetna::recreate_swapchain
we insert the following lines:
self.text.clear_pipeline(&self.device, &self.allocator);
.update_textures(&self.swapchain, &self.device, &self.renderpass);
Here I have split AllText::cleanup()
in two:
pub fn clear_pipeline(&mut self, device: &ash::Device, allocator: &vk_mem::Allocator) {
let p = self.pipeline.take();
if let Some(pip) = p {
pub fn cleanup(&mut self, device: &ash::Device, allocator: &vk_mem::Allocator) {
self.clear_pipeline(device, allocator);
let p = self.desc_pool.take();
if let Some(pool) = p {
unsafe {
device.destroy_descriptor_pool(pool, None);
let b = self.vertexbuffer.take();
if let Some(buf) = b {
unsafe { allocator.destroy_buffer(buf.buffer, &buf.allocation) };
for texture in &self.textures {
unsafe {
device.destroy_sampler(texture.sampler, None);
device.destroy_image_view(texture.imageview, None);
allocator.destroy_image(texture.vk_image, &texture.allocation);
While the pipeline should be cleared (and recreated, during update_textures
) when the swapchain is renewed, it is not necessary to destroy all
Also the textures from the last chapters have the same problem.
[Debug][error][validation] "vkUpdateDescriptorSets() failed write update validation for VkDescriptorSet 0x2b000000002b[] with error: Cannot call vkUpdateDescriptorSets() to perfor
m write update on VkDescriptorSet VkDescriptorSet 0x2b000000002b[] allocated with VkDescriptorSetLayout VkDescriptorSetLayout 0x1d000000001d[] which has been destroyed. The Vulkan
spec states: dstSet must be a valid VkDescriptorSet handle ("
[Debug][error][validation] "descriptorSet #1 being bound is not compatible with overlapping descriptorSetLayout at index 1 of VkPipelineLayout 0x1020000000102[] due to: VkDescript
orSetLayout 0x1010000000101[] from pipeline layout has 1 total descriptors, but VkDescriptorSetLayout 0x1d000000001d[], which is bound, has 1048576 total descriptors.. The Vulkan
spec states: Each element of pDescriptorSets must have been allocated with a VkDescriptorSetLayout that matches (is the same as, or identically defined as) the VkDescriptorSetLayo
ut at set n in layout, where n is the sum of firstSet and the index into pDescriptorSets (
Actually, this discrepancy is due to a line (in recreate_swapchain
) that should be
self.pipeline = Pipeline::init_textured(&self.device, &self.swapchain, &self.renderpass)?;
but was Pipeline::init(&...)
(I had forgotten to adjust the pipeline here.)
Nevertheless, still:
[Debug][error][validation] "vkUpdateDescriptorSets() failed write update validation for VkDescriptorSet 0x2b000000002b[] with error: Cannot call vkUpdateDescriptorSets() to perfor
m write update on VkDescriptorSet VkDescriptorSet 0x2b000000002b[] allocated with VkDescriptorSetLayout VkDescriptorSetLayout 0x1d000000001d[] which has been destroyed. The Vulkan
spec states: dstSet must be a valid VkDescriptorSet handle ("
Right: The pipeline::cleanup()
destroys descriptor sets. We do not notice it with our text, because there the descriptor sets are renewed during
Okay, another change to recreate_swapchain
self.pipeline = Pipeline::init_textured(&self.device, &self.swapchain, &self.renderpass)?;
unsafe {
let desc_layouts_texture =
vec![self.pipeline.descriptor_set_layouts[1]; self.swapchain.amount_of_images as usize];
let descriptor_set_allocate_info_texture = vk::DescriptorSetAllocateInfo::builder()
self.descriptor_sets_texture = unsafe {
let desc_layouts_camera =
vec![self.pipeline.descriptor_set_layouts[0]; self.swapchain.amount_of_images as usize];
let descriptor_set_allocate_info_camera = vk::DescriptorSetAllocateInfo::builder()
self.descriptor_sets_camera = unsafe {
for descset in &self.descriptor_sets_camera {
let buffer_infos = [vk::DescriptorBufferInfo {
buffer: self.uniformbuffer.buffer,
offset: 0,
range: 128,
let desc_sets_write = [vk::WriteDescriptorSet::builder()
unsafe { self.device.update_descriptor_sets(&desc_sets_write, &[]) };
(Most of this is copied from initialization.) New is the self.device.reset_descriptor_pool
command. It, well, resets the descriptor pool, freeing
and recycling all descriptor sets in it.
A new error:
[Debug][error][validation] "vkUpdateDescriptorSets() failed write update validation for VkDescriptorSet 0x12f000000012f[] with error: Cannot call vkUpdateDescriptorSets() to perfo
rm write update on VkDescriptorSet VkDescriptorSet 0x12f000000012f[] allocated with VkDescriptorSetLayout VkDescriptorSetLayout 0x12b000000012b[] that is in use by a command buffe
r. The Vulkan spec states: All submitted commands that refer to any element of pDescriptorSets must have completed execution (
What’s that?
Well, it turns out I have been using the wrong index when choosing which descriptor set to update. One-line fix:
let descriptorwrite_image = vk::WriteDescriptorSet::builder()
.dst_set(aetna.descriptor_sets_texture[image_index as usize])
The overall design of AllText
is not optimal: We can’t remove letters yet. Also always having to call create_letters
, create_vertexdata
after each other (by hand) is annoying.
But rectifying that is something for another day (or, maybe, never).