We have a camera that we can move around, but the “real 3D feeling” is not there yet. To improve this, our next goal is to introduce a perspective projection, which transforms all objects similarly to what our eyes would do (making distant objects appear smaller etc.). This projection will, of course, be represented by a 4x4-matrix.
This chapter consists of two parts: First a mathematical derivation of the perspective matrix, then rather small adjustments to our program to include it.
How does projection work?
The simplest model: Put a screen somewhere and draw every point on the screen where you would see it. “Seeing it” means: Where the direct line between the eye (supposed to be at the origin, for simplicity) and said point intersects the screen:
We do not want to draw all points, just those in a certain range. (Or can you see things almost directly above yourself at the same time as things near your feet?)
One way to describe that range is to indicate the opening angle φ (or “field of view in y-direction”, “fovy”).
This also gives us a hint where we should place this screen: We know that the largest y-value Vulkan will show us is 1. We should choose the distance d between eye and screen such that the point on the line with angle φ/2 to the z-axis ends up at y=1:
But back to the point(s): Where would a point of coordinates (y,z) end up? Well, scaling all components by the same factor keeps points on the same
line through the origin, and we want
, so
, I guess. Or, in 3D (same idea, including it in the pictures does not help): a point at
(x,y,z) lands in
Now, we had agreed to use homogeneous coordinates for points in 3D graphics (look back to Chapters 15 and 16): In those terms it is
and this is the same point as
(which is a much better representation, because now we don’t have to divide, and actually can write the transformation (of the original point
) as matrix, via
This takes all points, no matter how far away, and puts them onto the screen at z=d. Now, that is correct for the final projection onto a screen, but we are interested in transporting points to the screen “box” [-1,1]x[-1,1]x[0,1], not [-1,1]x[-1,1]x{d}. Also, we don’t need all points, no matter how far away. In fact, let us restrict the view area by a “near plane” at z=n and a “far plane” at z=f:
How do we have to change the projection? Something with the z component: Instead of dz it should be, maybe, some mz+b (for coefficients m and b that we still have to find), that is:
What are the right values for m and b? Well, z=n should be sent to 0, z=f should end up at 1, so:
The first equation shows that
, and substracting the first from the second gives
, so
which makes our matrix
We’re done, if our screen is a square. Most screens aren’t (and I think the window we have created is of size 800x600 pixels), so we should do something about that. Doing something about that means scaling the x-component. We take the “aspect ratio” a (width divided by height) and scale the x-component:
(Now x values can be a-times larger and still fit on the screen, i.e. end up in [-1,1]x[-1,1]x[0,1].)
(Sorry, you have to imagine the x-coordinates (too time-consuming); they would make the shape in the left the frustum of a pyramid; and it’s actually called “view frustum”.)
The parameters we needed were: field-of-view angle, aspect ratio, and distance of the near and far plane.
impl Camera {
fn update_projectionmatrix(&mut self) {
let d = 1.0 / (0.5 * self.fovy).tan();
self.projectionmatrix = na::Matrix4::new(
d / self.aspect,
self.far / (self.far - self.near),
-self.near * self.far / (self.far - self.near),
struct Camera {
viewmatrix: na::Matrix4<f32>,
position: na::Vector3<f32>,
view_direction: na::Unit<na::Vector3<f32>>,
down_direction: na::Unit<na::Vector3<f32>>,
fovy: f32,
aspect: f32,
near: f32,
far: f32,
projectionmatrix: na::Matrix4<f32>,
impl Default for Camera {
fn default() -> Self {
let mut cam = Camera {
viewmatrix: na::Matrix4::identity(),
position: na::Vector3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
view_direction: na::Unit::new_normalize(na::Vector3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
down_direction: na::Unit::new_normalize(na::Vector3::new(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)),
fovy: std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_3,
aspect: 800.0 / 600.0,
near: 0.1,
far: 100.0,
projectionmatrix: na::Matrix4::identity(),
(I have made sure to call the update_matrix
functions, so that I can just set identity
Okay. (We could also add some functions to set fovy
and automatically update projectionmatrix
. But it’s more important to use this matrix for changing our view.)
If we want to have a quick look, we can squeeze this matrix just into the view matrix. If we replace the last line of update_viewmatrix
self.viewmatrix = self.projectionmatrix * m;
we can have a first look at what we have achieved. This would be a viable strategy to get the perspective information to the shader, but I want to keep both matrices separate. We return this line to
self.viewmatrix = m;
and get to work elsewhere. In the shader, we include another variable of the UniformBufferObject
, and we also use it during the computation:
#version 450
layout (location=0) in vec3 position;
layout (location=1) in mat4 model_matrix;
layout (location=5) in vec3 colour;
layout (set=0, binding=0) uniform UniformBufferObject {
mat4 view_matrix;
mat4 projection_matrix;
} ubo;
layout (location=0) out vec4 colourdata_for_the_fragmentshader;
void main() {
gl_Position = ubo.projection_matrix*ubo.view_matrix*model_matrix*vec4(position,1.0);
If we add the matrix this way, as another member of the struct we already had, we do not have to change the descriptor set layout:
let descriptorset_layout_binding_descs = [vk::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding::builder()
Everything still seems to fit.
The uniform buffer should be twice as large:
let mut uniformbuffer = Buffer::new(
and also the range for the descriptor set bindings doubles to 128 bytes size:
let buffer_infos = [vk::DescriptorBufferInfo {
buffer: uniformbuffer.buffer,
offset: 0,
range: 128,
And finally, we have to pay attention to the places where we fill the uniform buffer: For example, we can turn this
let cameratransform: [[f32; 4]; 4] = [
uniformbuffer.fill(&allocator, &cameratransform)?;
let cameratransforms: [[[f32; 4]; 4]; 2] = [
uniformbuffer.fill(&allocator, &cameratransforms)?;
Also in the Camera::update_buffer
fn update_buffer(&self, allocator: &vk_mem::Allocator, buffer: &mut Buffer) {
let data: [[[f32; 4]; 4]; 2] = [self.viewmatrix.into(), self.projectionmatrix.into()];
buffer.fill(allocator, &data);
There are other ways to combine the two matrices and send the slice with their values to buffer.fill()
— but I’m content with this version.
With this camera setup, we’re always in the middle of things. That’s natural: It is very easy to set up models at (0,0,0), which is where our camera is located. Maybe we should use another default position:
position: na::Vector3::new(-3.0, -3.0, -3.0),
view_direction: na::Unit::new_normalize(na::Vector3::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
down_direction: na::Unit::new_normalize(na::Vector3::new(-1.0, 2.0, -1.0)),
position: na::Vector3::new(0.0, -3.0, -3.0),
view_direction: na::Unit::new_normalize(na::Vector3::new(0.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
down_direction: na::Unit::new_normalize(na::Vector3::new(0.0, 1.0, -1.0)),
Both look at the origin, but are located outside. Going forward, I will use the latter setup.
Small sanity check: position vector and view direction point in opposite directions, that means: looking at the origin. In both cases, view direction and down
direction are orthogonal. They also have length one. (Not the Vector3::new
directly, but there is a new_normalize
Now that I’m using it, I don’t like the Default
implementation for Camera
any more. Default should work well in constructions like let
cam=Camera{fovy: 1.65, .. Default::default()};
— our default()
does not: We need to know all values first and then call the update
We cannot first construct a default
and then change some of its values. Let us remove the Default
Perhaps a CameraBuilder
struct CameraBuilder {
position: na::Vector3<f32>,
view_direction: na::Unit<na::Vector3<f32>>,
down_direction: na::Unit<na::Vector3<f32>>,
fovy: f32,
aspect: f32,
near: f32,
far: f32,
That is: Saving all fields of Camera
except those that have to be computed in the end.
Constructing a CameraBuilder
means inserting the default values:
impl Camera {
fn builder() -> CameraBuilder {
CameraBuilder {
position: na::Vector3::new(0.0, -3.0, -3.0),
view_direction: na::Unit::new_normalize(na::Vector3::new(0.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
down_direction: na::Unit::new_normalize(na::Vector3::new(0.0, 1.0, -1.0)),
fovy: std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_3,
aspect: 800.0 / 600.0,
near: 0.1,
far: 100.0,
gets a bunch of functions to set the values:
fn position(mut self, pos: na::Vector3<f32>) -> CameraBuilder {
self.position = pos;
fn fovy(mut self, fovy: f32) -> CameraBuilder {
self.fovy = fovy.max(0.01).min(std::f32::consts::PI - 0.01);
fn aspect(mut self, aspect: f32) -> CameraBuilder {
self.aspect = aspect;
fn near(mut self, near: f32) -> CameraBuilder {
if near <= 0.0 {
println!("setting near plane to negative value: {} — you sure?", near);
self.near = near;
fn far(mut self, far: f32) -> CameraBuilder {
if far <= 0.0 {
println!("setting far plane to negative value: {} — you sure?", far);
self.far = far;
fn view_direction(mut self, direction: na::Vector3<f32>) -> CameraBuilder {
self.view_direction = na::Unit::new_normalize(direction);
fn down_direction(mut self, direction: na::Vector3<f32>) -> CameraBuilder {
self.down_direction = na::Unit::new_normalize(direction);
All of them return a CameraBuilder
so that they can be chained: Camera::builder().position(/*value*/).fovy(/*value*/).view_direction(/*value*/)
We take directions also non-normalized (for convenience), and restrict the values of fovy
(to a still unreasonably large range), and emit some warnings
for strange values of near and far plane. A note on these: We never want them to be equal and never want near
equal zero. (Horrible things would
happen to the entries of our projection matrix.)
All of the builder
parts are finally completed with a call to build()
. And in contrast to ash, we have no reason to implement Deref
instead and
never use build
. (We are not dealing with references that could lose their lifetime information, or with values that are - internally - C pointers.)
impl CameraBuilder {
fn build(self) -> Camera {
if self.far < self.near {
"far plane (at {}) closer than near plane (at {}) — is that right?",
self.far, self.near
let mut cam = Camera {
position: self.position,
view_direction: self.view_direction,
down_direction: na::Unit::new_normalize(
- self
* self.view_direction.as_ref(),
fovy: self.fovy,
aspect: self.aspect,
near: self.near,
far: self.far,
viewmatrix: na::Matrix4::identity(),
projectionmatrix: na::Matrix4::identity(),
Another sanity check on near and far plane; and a few lines ensuring that the down_direction
is orthogonal to view_direction
(our derivation of
the view matrix relied on that) — for the formula check the previous chapter.
Finally, we replace our camera construction by
let mut camera = Camera::builder().build();
The camera setup can still be improved: The motion is not perfectly intuitive (but what the best effects of key presses are depends on the purpose of the application very heavily);
we have no good way to set a view_direction
directly (because the down_direction
must remain orthogonal; we could use a similar trick as I have included in build()
), we can only deal with the rotation;
we have no ways to set the perspective parameters (or, rather: we have to call update_projectionmatrix
manually, afterwards) — but I’ll leave it at